Well I did it! I finally did it. I have put it off for years now. I have always wanted to know a little more about my heritage but I really thought the process would be painful. I still think that traditional genealogy is something that would bore me to no end. I was curious about the origins of my ancestors' surnames though so I looked into it. I found my Scottish clan, which was most exciting. I knew that I was Irish, Scottish, Welsh, and English but I wasn't sure where that all fit in. The Coat of Arms where hard to find w/o paying for them but it was good to just see them.
My great grandmother Eva's surname being Griffith is of Welsh origin. The family motto on our crest is Firmitas Et Sanitas, which means Strength and Sanity. I know some of you are laughing about the sanity part... I'm still scratching my head on that part too. I'm not sure what part of Whales it originated though.
My grandmother Alice's surname was Hannah Scottish in decent. From the Clan Hannay. The earliest version of Hannah I could find was Hannay, of Sorbie Tower in Galloway. Our family motto is Per ardua ad alta, meaning, Through difficulties to the heights.
My mother's name being Deborah Willis is English. The name is found first in Berkshire England. There is no motto that is found. It is a very ancient name apparently!
Now, my maiden name, Blake, is Irish/English. Started out as Lake from England then my ancestors moved to Ireland. The name has, apparently, many different spellings in ancient records some include Blake, Caddell, Caddle, and others (not really sure how blake and Caddell are the same). The Crest motto is Virtus sola Nobilitat, which translates to virtue alone ennobles or virtue alone is nobility.
It was really fascinating learning about my family's names and meanings. I have always prided myself in being Irish and Scottish and now I have a little more to say when people ask more into it then "UHHHHHH!" I hope this has inspired you to look a little deeper into your ancestry. I don't think I will ever enjoy searching for names and doing genealogy in the traditional sense but it's certainly nice learning a little more about where I came from because like I said before I knew nothing of it.